2014-12-24 updated
CYBERDYNE Inc. (“the Company”) and Omron Corp.(“Omron”) announced on December 24, 2014, they reached mutual agreement on future business tie-up on robotics fields.
Based on this agreement Omron will help sell the company’s robots through its sales channels and handle maintenance from 2015. The robots include HAL for Labour Support (Lumbar Type) , HAL for Care Support (Lumbar Type) , Smart Compact Transporter and Cleaning Robot.
By combining the company’s Cybernics technology (link to CCR in Tsukuba University ) with Omron’s expertise in sensors and automation, we will promote “Industrial Revolution” in some factory environments in robot era. In the past labours were replaced with robots, the present trend is for partnerships, and in the future, we believe, “robots and humans will integrate and work together”.
(Background of this agreement)
Similarity between Omron’s corporate philosophy and the Company’s is a booster of this agreement. The OMRON Group corporate motto, “At work for a better life, a better world for all,” was conceived by its founder, while the Company’s “Technology should be for Human and Society” is advocated by Dr. Sankai, CEO of the Company.
(Basic items of agreement)
The Company and Omron has agreed the business development of the following items.
1) Omron provide sales promotion and maintenance service on the Company’s HAL products: HAL for Labour Support (Lumbar Type) and HAL for Care Support (Lumbar Type)
2) Omron provide sales promotion and maintenance service on the Company’s non- HAL type robots: Smart Compact Transporter and Cleaning Robot.
3) Combining the Company’s Cybernics technology with Omron’s expertise in sensors and automation, we will promote “Industrial Revolution” in some factory environments in robot era.
(Reference) Omron website: Japanese only