2014-05-15 updated
CYBERDYNE Inc. (address: D25-1, Gakuen-Minami, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0818, Japan), with Kawasaki City (in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan), which had been appointed as part of the National Strategic Zone, agreed to create a base of international medical industry and collaborate in life innovation and welfare innovation. For that purpose, they will contribute to solve health, medical and welfare issues that the society faces, utilizing intellectual, physical and human resources for each other. The company and the city will conclude a comprehensive agreement upon creation of the most advanced medical and related industries, which is the centerpiece of national growth strategy and expedite the above-mentioned project.
The company, in order to expedite global development of business, will promote the following matters.
– The company will accelerate establishment of an international base of medical industry, by liaising “National Strategic Zone” and “Tsukuba International Strategic Zone”.
– The company will utilize Kawasaki City’s amassed research and development deliverables
– The company will utilize Kawasaki City’s integrated industries
cf. Kawasaki City’s press release material dd. May 15, 2014 (Japanese Only)
“Kawasaki City and CYBERDYNE Inc. basically agreed to conclude a comprehensive contract” (available in Japanese only)
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