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2024-06-25 updated

【IR】Notice on selection for project to support R&D of growing small & medium enterprise

CYBERDYNE Inc. (the “Company) received a notification that its proposal for the open call of 2024 “project to support R&D of growing small & medium enterprise (Go-Tech project)” hosted by the Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry was selected. The proposed project on “the development of HAL Lumbar Type and services that utilize the technology to promote motor functions such as gait” as set forth below.

1. Selected project
The development of HAL Lumbar Type and services that utilize the technology to promote motor functions such as gait

2. Outline of the research
The Company will develop the following.

(a) HAL Lumbar Type that will control the movement of the hip joint based on the wearer’s intention and induces improvement of the motor function due to its ability to control such movements
(b) HAL Monitor that visually feeds back information of the wearer’s movement to the wearer or its instructor
(c) Service utilizing (a) and (b) that is safe, easy to spread, and enables effective exercises.

3. Schedule
From May 1 2024 to September 30, 2027

4. Amount of grant
Total of ¥66 million yen from FY2024 to FY2026

5. The grant will be posted in each fiscal year as other income. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, the Company expects to post ¥24 million.

 Announcement on the selection for this project (Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry

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